SCOTS released his much anticipated single titled “Somebody”.
After a year and many months, SCOTs decide to come back with something different from what he is known for, an energetic rapper. He is back with a sensational sound that will surprise you of what he can do on a different genre he is known for, Rap.
This sound will keep you awake and vibing all day long. This time he is out with a song titled “SOMEBODY”. This one is personal to him.
After all, about life, he is thanking God and believing that as his story is changing others too will change, he hopes you enjoy this one. It’s being mixed and mastered by this super producer Oluwadrummer, with the help of Belinda (his sister) on the chorus to give it a sweet vocals.
It does not matter the kind of clothes you have,
You don't have to have all the beautiful clothes in the world to look good,
Many atimes what you need is just to make sure you iron that few clothes you have,
and always wash those clothes and keep ironing them,
You may say what of those without irons in there domains?
All you need to do to keep looking good is;
Wash those few clothes and fold them well and keep them under something heavy so that it won't squeeze for you when you are putting it on next time.
Don't blame anyone for how dirty you are looking,
As far as you are alive,
You and all other human beings have the opportunity to look good everyday in 24 hours of the day.
So try to look good, because looking good is good business.
Don't feel ashamed that you are not looking like your fellow friend,
We all have our grace and levels but accept yourself,
Be happy for who you are now and who you are aspiring to be tomorrow.
And always remember to thank God for making you that beautiful and wonderful each morning.
The Grasses of the field are eaten everyday and matched everyday,
They are even burned every year but it's never gives up,it's never stop coming out from the ground,
You see your life is valuable,
Your life is a Priceless Jewel,
As long as you are breathing,
There is hope for you,
It doesn't matter the background you are coming from,
What matters is for you to know that you are destined for greatness,
Jesus was born in the smallest clan in Israel but it never stop Him from achieving His purpose as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world,
David was a shepherd yet destiny and purpose makes him King,
Moses was born in slavery yet Destiny and purpose makes him to grow as a Prince in Egypt and even the one that save his people from slavery,
Even if you are born in a ditch hole that has no light,
You are still destined for greatness,
Being great has nothing to do with what people say is the way to greatness,
Being great is all about finding a solution to the problem why you are created on earth,
All you need!
To be great is just to know your Purpose in life and solve the problem you are created to solve and you will be great.
So never give up,even if it seems many years of dimness,
Just believe in yourself,
You will definitely make it in this life.
Keep the Hope rolling.
Weeping may last for the night but joy comes in the morning.
Your night may be longer than you imagine,
But Hope on,
Joy will definitely come in your morning.
Jaysteve released his much anticipated single titled “Albarku”; meaning Blessings which He featured the award wining Mc Isaac Ajila.
Albarku is a beautiful gospel song that talked about the blessings of God pours like rainfall upon believers.
Jaysteve and Isaac Ajila are gospel Arrtist from Jos, Plateau State Nigeria, using their talents to glorify God.
Indeed the blessings of God which are salvations, joy, peace, healings etc are by grace not by our works.
Click on any of the below listed 7 links
To download;
We all know that all human beings born must die,
If that is the case then!
Why do we see other people that are not in our level as if they are not created by God,
Just as your five fingers are not the same,Everyone must not be in your level,
Simply because he/she is not handsome/beautiful as you are it doesn't mean that he/she is not a human being,
You should be focusing on doings things that makes God happy rather than doing things that makes you and your circle of friends happy,
One man cannot build a house,
That is why you should not disrespect any human being out there,
Because tomorrow you may need him/her or even them to clean your surrounding,or to help you get to power or to help you achieve success,
No man is an empty island,
Every human being is created by same God that created you,
So If you respect everybody,nobody will disrespect you,
We are created as a rational being and also a relational beings,
Unless we work together as one we will not achieve great heights,
The richest people today are not just rich because they know it all or they can work it all,
But they are rich and wealthy because they allow people that work under them to explore for them,
They gave people under them the opportunity to dig deep and expand their created systems and today because of the ideas of those below them,
They are rich and wealthy,
They will continue to get rich and wealthy because they learn to work with people and not with self.
Unless you learn to work with people,your success will be delayed or achieved part way not full.
Management levels In an organization, there are three different levels of management, each of which requires different types of information ...