Showing posts with label cry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cry. Show all posts

Tuesday 19 March 2019


1. The guy the lady is dating is confused in essence ( He date her because of sex or because of her physical outfit or because of Friends Pressure,or because he wants to try and see which one is for Him).
2. The Foundation of most of today's relationship is either built on lust,sex and romance and not base on Heavenly back up.
3. Most relationship today breaks, because the both are irresponsible and they are dating each other,so who will correct who? since they are in the same level.
4.They accept and practice,what they see in TV,internet and what they hear on radio,so at the end it crumbles.
5. Fashion,Now the ultimate aim of fashion is to make you appreciate,Fashioned designed clothes on the Human body,which amplify beauty of the Human body,but it affects relationship by making the both people to concentrate on the outward fitness and forget about character, attitude and makes them to forget that as times goes by they will be old and that beauty will fade.
6. the bible says that we love Him because He first love us and also says God is love,So the relationship breaks because the both don't know love,and if you don't know love,How can you love?
7.Lastly don't awake love,when you are not ready for it,If not is stronger than you,So if you can't control it,it destroys you.


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