Showing posts with label poems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poems. Show all posts

Thursday 5 January 2023



what if you just finished immortality then on your way out,Earthquake comes and the building collapse on you?

What if you just had a misunderstanding with someone and you went with the heart to kill him/her and you die in a motor accident?

What if you felt so strong to tell someone Jesus loves you but you ignored and the next   thing you heard was that he died?

What if you are just angry at someone for no reason and on your way to walk you step on a stone and died?

What if you went to party and a misunderstanding came up,so they kill some people and you were among?

What if you just had sex to keep your relationship,then the next morning as you wake up,they start crisis in your area and at the process you and the guy died?

What if you are lsuppose to help someone close to you or far away from you and you end up ignoring and he/she died?

What if because of your actions,100 souls you are suppose to save go to hell?

What if in the church you look innocent and outside you are evil and one day death cuts up with you?

Your life on earth is just temporary and not permanent and therefore everything is Permit-able  but not everything is beneficial. 

As you live your life, have it in your head that one day your life will be call and you will give an account of what you have done to God.

Repent from your sin and go back to God for what is life without God?

The sin you see as small lie. Can take you straight to hell,So be careful.


Monday 26 December 2022

The Special Lady - Jay Steve

Hey Lady!

Can you see how beautiful the flowers are?

Can you see how beautiful the springs comes forth?

Can you see how beautiful the animals are?

Can you see how beautiful the valleys and hills are?

Can you see how beautiful the skies and heavenly bodies are?

Yes you see!

But do you know that you are more than rubbies,

You are more valuable than all this things I mentioned,

You are more special than them,

You are not just special than them but you are also uniquely made different from other ladies like you,

The stars smiles at you at night,

The sun shines upon you during the day,

The followers gives you there sweet smells as you pass admist it,

The springs gives you water to drink and water to bath to look even more beautiful,

The animals gives you meats to eat and enjoy life,

The ground gives you food to eat to maintain your life on earth,

The valleys serve you with different borders to different places,

The rocks and hills adds beauty to the surroundings to you move in,

You a lady with a difference,
You are a lady with so much potentials,

You are a lady who is so gorgeously and charmingly made.

You are not a mistake,
You are a important being upon the face of this earth.

So move in your uniqueness and effect the change you want to see dearie.


Saturday 24 December 2022

The She Line - Jay Steve


The smiles on your face is what takes away someone's sadness,

The beautiful, stunning and charming you, shows the perfect work of God,

The eyes you carry represent the light that shines in the mist of the dark,

Your hands are skillful and blessed,

You've got an intelligent brain that solves worlds situations,

You are a builder and a more,

Your structure is designed to suite your purpose and mission,

The Joy you express from within to the without part of you is what gives joy to many,

You're sparkling and tinted creation is amazing and amusing,

You are a great helper that amplifies everything that comes into hands to multiple,

You are perfectly made for a special mission,

Your best is yet to be seen and your greatness is unstoppable and unbreakable,

You are one in a million because,only you can be you and no one has your heart and idleness,

Am talking about no any other lady out there than you,

Reading this right now.
Go and out there and make a difference because you are born for it.


Double Dating/Multiple Dating - Jay Steve

#Some_Benefits_for_Double_Dating 1. Double dating makes the lady to have more money while it makes the guy to have more sex 2. D...