Showing posts with label blogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogs. Show all posts

Thursday 5 January 2023



Faith is like climbing pole without a ladder

Faith is like walking on air without any strong foundation to walk upon

Faith is like walking on an electric wire without a rubber

Faith is like jumping from a high mountain,without getting wounded

If this is what does,Does that means that Fear does not come?
Well the answer is No because Faith is the ability to overshadow your fears and work over because you are sure that the person you hold on to will not fail you.

And what if God decide that though you have faith in Him,you will fall,Does that means that God is wicked?

Well the answer is No!
Because If God allow you to die with your faith in Him,it maybe that you have finished your work or He will allow you to fall,So that your enemies will laugh and abuse the God you serve and in there front He will bring you back to life and they will be won over or destroy for laughing and coursing the God you serve.

Faith is very important in our lives,Shedrach and his two friends, Said even if God will not save us,We will not bow down to your image oh king.
That is the kind of faith that if you have even the devil,will salute you because at the end the 3 guys were elevated by the king and all the others have no say against them.
May God help us with that gift of faith in Him,because faith exempt you for greatness.




The Lord have mercy,But I(jaysteve) had a dream on the 30/08/2018 around 12:00-1:00am in the night,which is the first early hour of the last Thursday and last day of the month of August in my dream,I was opportune to visit hell, Then I saw the devil, and I was shooked when i heard what he said,
The devil said that,Hahahaha! Hell is meant for me and my fallen angels,when God made man,he was far ahead and greater than me but I make man fall by making him to eat the fruit in the garden which God told them not to it,and said that he has enjoyed heaven and knows how heaven is that is why he have so much hatred for the entire human race and he will make sure he brings as much as he can to hell,after this then the next thing I saw was,I saw the devil seating on a man,then he said man will not come into hell and rule it because he is the lord of hell,he sat on the man as others are burning in the fire,then the devil said that the entire human race don't know that there mouth is fire,so what so ever they say come out with fire spiritually,either negative or positive and if they come to hell,they make hell more heated than it was and they don't know. the devil says I must win,I must win,I must win.
Brethren hell is very,very,very Real and close to you,more than the way you think,is not far away as you are thinking but very close that is why you can miss the road of salvation and move on the way of destruction.
What you do,when no one is there?
The little sin you do that you think is Notting,matters alot.
Sexual immorality is one of the portal demons get into the earth legally and operate,avoid it.
Masturbation for either ladies/guys,God hates it and it will lead you to hell.
Brethren, you know the act of the sinful nature you don't do and the ones you do,Try and overcome them,For God wants your 100% obedience and not 70 to 99% obedience that is why the bible says be perfect as your Heavenly Father is Perfect.



Sometimes I wander if God is really happy with the kind of weddings we do these days. 

We start a very good wedding in the Church with good gospel songs that will uplift your Spirit,then after the Church wedding,We go out for the reception and have circular songs played all through the wedding reception and I tend to wander,Who are we deceiving or mocking?
Are we trying to say that we come to church for wedding so that God will bless us and after that we go for reception and forgot about Him because we have His blessings?
No wander after the marriage ceremony the wife and husband goes home and open some gifts,and got enchanted by the divination of the enemy because,God is fully not in it and we forgot that if He is not fully in it,then He is not in it completely because,our God wants to be fully involved in what we do,but we often push Him aside and if you push Him aside;
Won't you have problems in your wedding?
One of the reason for hatred and problems that leads to divorce in today's marriage is because God is not fully involved, So expect the unexpected!!!.
 And I wander if a party guy comes to our wedding receptions,will they feel as if they are in the party or they will feel they are in a Christian wedding Reception?
They always feel no deference because if they come,they are sure is the same disco songs and sounds they are used to in a party hall,in the night clubs they go and some snick to go that they will hear in the Reception, So what is the difference?

Remembered that we are to be Christ imitators in what so ever we do and everything we are doing.
And to Reflect the great commissioned by going into the world and preach to every creature,baptizing them and making them disciples of all nations. 
Where is the great commissioned place today in our weddings friends?

You have live band and Christian songs,so what is your excuse?

We don't patronized our own style that is why the world don't also patronise it.


One of the Problem we are having today is lack of Decency.

Some churches says that your outward appearance does not matter because God is concern with the heart and not the body,Let me tell you that,this is a misconception brought into the church from hell,is not from God.

My question to you is?
Do you know your duty?
In the bible when God created man,He gave man authority over the earth and grant him the ability to multiple its kind and fill the earth,Is that not a responsibility that man has to do physically in the physical world he lives?
If it is so,that means that it calls for self control from man to God,if not man will mismanage it and God will have no option than to destroy it at the end.
And who gave you the body and Spirit?
If your answer is God;,then I ask you again;
Will God only be concern about your Heart and not the body?
If your answer is No.
Then why do you find it hard to control the kind of dressing you do?

Don't misinterpret the bible to suit your evil desires because it will not work,God standard is God standard and it will never be brought down by any man,no matter what position he is holding.

If you wear a clothe that makes the brothers to sin,what are you? Agent of darkness,I see no way the heart will be clean then your outside will be dirty,is not possible and will never be,The fact is you either remain clean or dirty,
for clean water is clean water and dirty water is dirty water. How can you keep a clean drinking water inside a container that the outside is dirty,it will not work.

Do you remembered what Jesus Himself said in the bible;

Except your faith surpasses that of the Pharisees and Sadducees you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven.

Now the Pharisees and Sadducees are people that keep the entire law of moses,There outside is clean but there heart is dirty, So Jesus expect them to keep the law of moses yes,and to also clean there inside by accepting Him,which,you are expected to do.

Poem for your Lady ( this is beautiful and wonderful piece you don't want to miss)

Once upon a time!

The birds are flying,
The sky is looking blueish,
The sun is rising,
The cold is breezing upon the four corners of the earth,

The streams are flowing,
The children are happily playing,
And everyone is doing his/her daily activity.
All of a sudden the the place became dark and the a strange light was shone admis them all

Everyone was terrified by the happenings,

So as they watched,

The light became ravishing and relevance,

It was desirable to every eye and luscious to the interpretation of there mind,

The light was in a shape of a human and it became even more alluring and resplendent just like the dishy and charming colours of the rainbows in the sky,

Everyone start smiling,

and the light has a star on the head that makes it shine brighter and magnificent and everyone watching was delightful,

And a stage just appeared,

and everyone was shouting because they saw you looking fetching and glamorous on that stage,

They were all wearing the smiles you gave to them,

You are that light and star that is shining and making others amaze and joyful,

Never stop what you are doing even if no one appreciate you because you don't know how many people are watching you as their star,

You are elegant, fascinating and engaging woman,

Don't stop radiating,
Because alot of eyes are looking up to you dearie,

Never forget you are a star women and you are beautifully and wonderfully made.

You are a special lady with a great potentials,

This is all about you.


Monday 26 December 2022

The Special Lady - Jay Steve

Hey Lady!

Can you see how beautiful the flowers are?

Can you see how beautiful the springs comes forth?

Can you see how beautiful the animals are?

Can you see how beautiful the valleys and hills are?

Can you see how beautiful the skies and heavenly bodies are?

Yes you see!

But do you know that you are more than rubbies,

You are more valuable than all this things I mentioned,

You are more special than them,

You are not just special than them but you are also uniquely made different from other ladies like you,

The stars smiles at you at night,

The sun shines upon you during the day,

The followers gives you there sweet smells as you pass admist it,

The springs gives you water to drink and water to bath to look even more beautiful,

The animals gives you meats to eat and enjoy life,

The ground gives you food to eat to maintain your life on earth,

The valleys serve you with different borders to different places,

The rocks and hills adds beauty to the surroundings to you move in,

You a lady with a difference,
You are a lady with so much potentials,

You are a lady who is so gorgeously and charmingly made.

You are not a mistake,
You are a important being upon the face of this earth.

So move in your uniqueness and effect the change you want to see dearie.


Saturday 24 December 2022

The She Line - Jay Steve


The smiles on your face is what takes away someone's sadness,

The beautiful, stunning and charming you, shows the perfect work of God,

The eyes you carry represent the light that shines in the mist of the dark,

Your hands are skillful and blessed,

You've got an intelligent brain that solves worlds situations,

You are a builder and a more,

Your structure is designed to suite your purpose and mission,

The Joy you express from within to the without part of you is what gives joy to many,

You're sparkling and tinted creation is amazing and amusing,

You are a great helper that amplifies everything that comes into hands to multiple,

You are perfectly made for a special mission,

Your best is yet to be seen and your greatness is unstoppable and unbreakable,

You are one in a million because,only you can be you and no one has your heart and idleness,

Am talking about no any other lady out there than you,

Reading this right now.
Go and out there and make a difference because you are born for it.


Wednesday 14 December 2022

Deborah Story (Touching,Inspiring and wonderful)

Story Story?
Once upon a time;

There was a city in pains and sorrow,

There neighbors use to give them alot of attack each day,

The king and his people did all they could but it did not avail,

Then one day the king was sleeping and he had a dream,
in the dream he saw himself taking honey 
Then he wakes up,

For over two years of pains,suffering and sorrow nobody could interpret that dream,

One day a lady that gave birth to a child came to the king and told him 

My Lord everyday  I use to see honey on the four head of my baby,

Then the king gave the woman a home in the palace and they kept feeding her since they comfirmed what was said,

She grew in royalty and received a vision on the strategy for them to take to defeat there enemies and the king listen to the plan of a woman for the first time

And they went and won the war and the name of that lady is;
Deborah the Bee Queen that gave the community honey to drink.

The lesson here to learn is everyone has a place that God make for him/her to shine when the right time comes,

So work on yourself instead of envying and trying to copy someone 


Tuesday 13 December 2022

Forgiveness - Jay Steve


Somebody will definitely fault you in this life,
Somebody will definitely cross your boundary in this life,

Learn to forgive,

Don't repay evil for evil because you don't know what will happen tomorrow,

A forgiven soul is someone that is saying God,
Take over this situation,

If you always revenge,
You are not a peace maker,

If you always revenge,you are telling God to stay aside,
You can do it on your own,

People that revenge are people that don't see progress in life,
Because they also feel they can handle everything that comes their  way,

Revenge is not your own,
If God will revenge on you for all the wrong you have been doing,

You will have been ashes and dust today,

So learn to forgive one another,
So that you will grow together.

Learn to forgive,forget and move on.
For such life is rainy and greenish.


Friday 18 November 2022

MY Story (Touching and hearty)


I breath the fresh breeze of nature each day,
I don't deserve it because is a gift from my creator,

My story is like a spring of water that kept flowing as far as,am alive,

I move each day with different obstacles and blocks,

This is my story;

Is full of up and down,
Sour and sweetness,

I move with a load of good and bad each day,

I met with people that affect me positively and negatively,

I struggle to live a life of positivity because I live in a world that is full of negative people,

I go out with friends to have good times not knowing their motives is to break my good motives,

Sometimes I cry in my bed because the story am trying to built is just not the way I want it to be,

Even though I fall victim of negativity alot of times I never allow it to drain me,

I will rise up and go to the mirror and say to myself,

My story will make others story worthwhile not wayward.

No matter the dark in the day, morning will come and my story will be brighter and wider than my imagination.

This is my story.


Tuesday 18 October 2022

For Guys


Where your Treasure is that is where your heart is.

Most of you guys today bite more than you can actually chew,

You just met a lady today and the next thing is,you spend alot of money on her,

The first thing you need to know is;
1. That lady has not marry you yet.
2. You are just dating her and you are not even sure if you and her will end up together.
3. You are spending with the hope that she understands when maybe she is just taking you as a friend or just a bestie as the name implies today.

You kept spending on her and refused to calculate,

Everything you are doing,you should do it with caution guys,

There is no way you will keep spending on that lady and say that you don't love her completely,

The truth will definitely burst out one day and you will be the one in pain,

If you are spending on a lady,
Be definite about it,
Don't just spend,know why you are doing what you are doing,

If you know that is a friendly spending do it well but don't go too deep to the point that it will pain you.

So you need to careful 

The reason why so many guys today use to find difficult and heartbroken is because;

You don't define the your spending on that lady,
What you definite,
Will definitely have a limit that you cant cross,

But the fact that you spend without calculation and definition,
that is why you always find yourself in pains,

If that lady gets to marry another guy.
Or maybe she leaves you.

So don't be careless and blinded by love so that when it balls back on you,
You can accept and take it to heart.

Where your treasures is that is where your heart is.

So please don't go and give all your treasures to a lady you did not marry.

Alot of people became frustrated and even commit suicide due to this small act.


Be wise and apply wisdom in every act you take in life so that you will not be a victim of a problem that will get you frustrated to the point you will start thinking of commiting suicide.

Because we love you and we don't want to loose you to the wind without you doing what you were born to do.


Friday 7 October 2022


she's unique 💞💞
She's rare❤❤
She's beautiful 💗💗
She's special😘😘
She's phenomenal..
She's God perfect work.
She's is a Precious jewel.
Am talking about every lady out there,

The beauty of a country cannot be complete without a woman,

A woman is a dynamic wonderful, awesome and amazing creature that God has made,

Women are unique in their special ways,
Come on celebrate all ladies friends,

Through a woman a man feel complete,
Through a woman a man was born,
Through a woman a man is built,
Through a woman is a society made greenish,

A woman is an asset to the society,

A woman can be a great help to the growth of a nation and A woman can cause a destruction to a nation,

Negatively they are dangerous,
Positively they are 

So if you are a woman build positively and forget about negatively.

To all Mother's and Potential future Mother's out all over the world,
Kudos to you and keep affecting the world positively.


Tuesday 19 March 2019


We used to say that other religion used to jump the bridge,which is true but the HolySpirit makes me to understood that some of our Men of God used to jump the bridge too.
I know that you are wandering why?

I also wandered why too.
If you denied the activities of the HolySpirit, You are automatically jumping the bridge too.
Some Minister are so insensitive to the voice of the HolySpirit of God that they run there event and service under the Flesh for instance the HolySpirit will be saying stop this message and lead this people to prayers and they will be stubborn.
The HolySpirit will say Stop singing and teach and they will be singing,or Stop teaching and sing and they will be stubborn to it.
Likewise it applies to every Christian, Anytime you go against the will of God through His HolySpirit, you are not just jumping the bridge but you are witch/wizard(For the bible compare the sin of disobedience as witchcraft).
And some men of God jump the bridge by also teaching only one side of the bible for example they will be teaching you about the old testament and touch some parts of the new testament and refused to teach the Spiritual aspect because they themselves are not spiritual and the bible says God is Spirit and all those that will worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth and the same bible says The men of the Spirit operate like the wind, Which means that if you go before God's presence you are not suppose to get bored to the extent of sleeping because if your minister operate like the wind as the bible says He/She will always makes you feel you need to repent.
You need to pray.
You need to know God more .
You need to sing through out.
You need God more than ever and
Always comes to you in the directions you did not expect. And unless your gathering becomes sweet like that,the church will always be too familiar to you and you will not even pray that, Sunday should reach.

Let's continued to pray for ourselves and our minister.

Double Dating/Multiple Dating - Jay Steve

#Some_Benefits_for_Double_Dating 1. Double dating makes the lady to have more money while it makes the guy to have more sex 2. D...