She puts on the full armor of God,
to pray for her immediate family,friends,neighbour and her Future.
She studies very hard to pass her exams,
She knows her identity in Who she served,
She is focus and flee from gossip and backbite,
She has some much wisdom in her speech,
She corrects in love and not harshly,
She visits the Hospital to gist and pray with the sick,
She visit the orphanage and prisons to put a smile on there faces,
She is always ready to learn new things to improve herself,
She is recognized because of her good conduct and saying the truth,
She does not exposed herself to any man to devalue her,
She is always looking for solution to peoples problems,even if it will curse her pains or her life
She is soldier,with a different.
She is the lady that is reading this,yes you are the;