Wednesday, 22 February 2023

For Guys - Jay Steve


Something about this fellow Gender is:
They will tell you that,you are not a working class person,so they won't date you,

Forgetting the fact that even those they consider as working class can't exhaust education,

They forgot that education is not something that ends,it only ends the day a person is no more.
They still ask you for money,gifts and credits even after saying you are not a working class person to date?
So why won't they built you by helping you save instead of lowering you to spend that capital you have to built yourself?
It means they don't meant what they said to you.

These Gender will tell you that you are the only one,not knowing that they saying same to 4 others of your type,

These same Gender will tell you,Boo let's get married anything that happens we will pass through it together,
But after the marriage she will be the one telling you that you are not a man like other men,
She nags to you always and gives you pepper in your heart always,

These Gender will tell you that they love you and they won't live you,but one day they will look at you in the face and tell you,
So you think because of those small small monies you are giving me I will consider you?

These same Gender will make you spend your all on them and later live you depress and in darkness and they won't just care about what you do or how you will be,

Thesame Gender will not inquire why you did not call or text them,they will just conclude that you are seeing another woman and give you a red card,

True love face responsibility,
Love does not run away from responsibility,
True love settle issues,
One issue chases fake love away,
So my advice is let your love have wisdom and eyes.

Am kind of tired of seeing my fellow Guys being treating bad all because of love and some guys even commit suicide because of such things like this,which is ironical.

Loving a woman is something that can't be stop,but my piece of advice to my fellow Gender is;
While spending your whole investment on that girlfriend that is not your wife yet,
Do it because of God or do it as you are giving it to charity not expecting anything back so that if she goes off,
The pain of all you did and the love you gave will not drown you down to your grave yard.


Tuesday, 21 February 2023

The Name Zipporah - Jay Steve


Something is warm blooded,
Something has feathers,
Something can fly,
Is God not wonderful,

Z means Zealiance,
I means  Incredible,
P means pleasant,
P means productive,
O means Original,
R means Responsible,
A means Admirable
H means Heart 

No wonder Moses was successful because His wife name was Zipporah and that name is so powerful,
The name is special and unique,
An eagle is a bird that is very strong,
Zipporah also means bird in Hebrew,
If you check it very well Moses flew in the desert without getting weary or tired,

Name is very important people,
Don't go and give a name that don't have a good meaning to your children,

Because a good name can take you to where you can't imagine,

One thing with name is,
The more people call you with it the more it because alive,

Because the power of life and dead lies in the tongue,
So your name becomes alive and follows you in your destiny when people keep calling you that name everyday.

Make sure you give good names to your kids.


Monday, 20 February 2023

Success - Jay Steve

Self Discipline is a bridge that connects you with your goals,
Success is Who you are,
Not what you do,

Some people have #temporary success and some have #enduring success,

Money is the reward of success,

Stop focusing on chasing money because it will keep running from you,
Your focus should be on satisfying your customers with nominal profit for little becomes much with time,

What brings success is being deligent, discipline and focusing on satisfying people and not chasing after money,

Success begins with your mindset,
Success is not a word but a way of life.
The level of your capacity is the level of your success,
So you need to expand your mind to handle great success.


Tuesday, 14 February 2023

Beauty of Light - Jay Steve

The sky is looking Blueish,
The Cloud is foaming as it pave ways for the rising Sun to shine,
So the darkest night will will quench off and allow the light to shine,

Light is what everybody celebrate,
The beauty of light is what everyone appreciate,
The energy from the light of the sun is what humans and plants needs for healthy living,

Everyone and everything appreciate, because of the presence of the sun rise of nature,

With that same light you see that lady and tell her all your words can express,
With that same light she looks at that handsome guy and wish she is dating him,

With that same light you look at the beauty of nature,
With that same light you look at the artificial things made by man and you differentiate the good and the bad,

Light is a very important thing to us,
No wonder all the planet revolve round the light of the sun,

Because light is a very important factor to livelihood of everything that was made in the planet earth.

Always work in the light and be clean.
Darkness has no power when light shows up,
No wonder all bad spirits hate light, because it exposed and shame their dirty works,

With light a man can create alot of innovations and invent alot of technologies,

So you see that light is a beautiful thing that God has given us to enjoy.


Monday, 13 February 2023

True Love Story - Jay Steve

Story Story?

Once upon a time I was living on my own,
Having peace of my own and enjoying my single Joy,
Then all of a sudden I fall in love with this guy that is so handsome,
We walk together, play together and eat together,

The love was so sweet and beautiful,

We always want to hear the voice of each other,
And when ever we see each other we just can't stop smiling,

Things are going well,
One day we had a little misunderstanding and he just went off,
I tried to get him back but he refused and just left into the world of another lady,

I was heartbroken and devastated,
I stayed inside my room and cried,

I find it very difficult to move on for over two years because he was my first guy and I gave him my heart and my love,

But right now I am stronger,better and wiser.

Yes I am in love again, because love is a beautiful thing,

But am not stupid this time around,
I will love him,but unless we are married I will not give him my whole heart,

Is not as if I will not be faithful to him but there are some boundaries that I will not allow him to cross.

Love is actually good but when you find true love,
Heartbreak has never killed anyone but makes us stronger,

All we need to know is there is a reason behind everything that happens,
Nothing just happens,

Suicide is not the way of solving your problem,
Just take hard and with time you will understand that time will give you the  best love you dreamt of.

Let your love have sense,simply because you are in love does not mean that you should be foolish,

Our Creator loves us but in as much as He loves us, there are certain standard that if we break he punnish us for breaking it.

Enjoy your day friends.


Tuesday, 7 February 2023

Creativity Spokenword - Jay Steve


Is so pathetic that people are celebrating the down fall of people over there success this days,

You are living with your neighbor and your neighbor don't want to see you wearing good clothes or eating good food,

Anytime you wear good clothes and eat some good food your neighbor will give you that pretending smiles that has the indepth of jealousy and hatred within,

People in the Low level are fighting themselves and doing evil to their fellow low level people,

And they want growth and progress,

People in the middle level are giving bribes to the low class to help them suppress other low lives,

In other to maintain their medium class position,

People in the Highest class are trying to control the middle and the low class by killing anyone that is against them,just to main wealth and power,

Each level of life has it own problem,

We are praying for a better Country and a better Nigeria when Corruption has eaten us up from  bottom to top,

One of the things killings us as a country today is we hate creative people from bottom to top,

If a friend notice that  his/her friend or brother or sister is creative,

They will look for a way to frustrate the person or kill the creativity,

And if meddle level  notice that the creativity of their friend will take him or her from that level to the high class level they look for a way to eliminate such person,

In the high class if they notice that one of them is trying to bring innovation to his people they will silently eliminate the person and nothing will be done about it because they believe they are the Law,

Is so pathetic that being Creative has become a problem in a country call Nigeria,

So people hide and die with their creativity,

No wonder if a Nigerian secured a job in another country where the person creativity is well acknowledge,
They become the best and give their best,

No wonder Nigeria is still a consuming nation because people of creativity have become a prey in our society today.

But does it mean that we should keep hiding with our creativity and allow the nation to suffer because of fear?

We need to come forth and stand for what is right,
In our families we need to encourage those that are creative among us,

In our local communities and religious levels we need to encourage those that are creative among us,

Our society need to give  room for creativity.
Creativity is what makes a nation great.

Show me a nation with creativity and I will show you a nation that is prospering 

A nation that don't appreciate creativity  will always be a dependent and  a consuming nation.

Give love for creativity a space,
In our family, community,state,nation and in the world.
And the continents will experience overflow of greatness.


Monday, 6 February 2023

Importance of Strategic and Breakdown of Effective Communication

I am here to Stand against the motion; Breakdown of effective communication in an organization.
Below are my following points:
What is a communication breakdown? 

If communication is the exchange of information between two or more individuals, a communication breakdown means not being able to get your message across properly. 

When communication breakdown occurs, it usually results in a lack of communication.

1. The effects of communication breakdowns on mental health 
Communication breakdowns cause stress and low morale in your employees. 

Namely, according to the 2021 report The Evolution of Communication, 7 in 10 Americans agree that mental health is tied to communication. 

Therefore, when communication fails, employees’ mental health deteriorates, making them more stressed and anxious.   

2.The effects of communication breakdowns on work culture
Communication breakdowns affect your work culture, too. 

They may demotivate your employees and create tension amongst the team. 

Furthermore, that kind of work culture may cost you your clients or business opportunities.

3.Unpredictable Work Environment
Poor communication causes a lack of predictability and stability within the workplace, leading to an uneasy environment for employees to work in. Employees might not clearly understand their objectives for the week or might misunderstand the process for a project, leading to unproductivity and ineffectiveness at their job. Employees and employers have a responsibility to facilitate an active dialogue in order to create a stable work environment to get their best work done.

4.Less Effective Collaboration
Collaboration and communication go hand in hand. If employees are unable to communicate effectively, it is very likely for collaboration to be effective as well. Collaboration in the workplace is important in many ways from promoting self-analysis and resulting in efficient problem solving. The effects of poor communication in the workplace set every collaborative project for failure, and almost everything in the 21st century workplace is a collaboration. 

5. Workplace Conflict:
The effects of poor communication may cause tensions to rise, resulting in a potential conflict between employees. Failure to communicate may cause employees to make the wrong assumptions, such as leaving other employees to pick up their work, when this task was not previously discussed between a team. Good communication prevents workplace from arising in the first place.

6: Low Morale
With poor communication, employees may have a harder time meeting expectations and catching up with their deadlines, resulting in them getting behind. This could leave them with a sense of guilt, embarrassment or even low self-esteem. Low workplace morale should be addressed immediately, so that employees can maintain a healthy work-life balance and continue working efficiently.

I am here to to stand with the motion that says:
Strategy for effective communication.

Strategy Communication is a combination of both theory and practice that seeks to understand the effect of culture on all aspects of marketing communications. Globalization, global branding strategies, and classification models of culture are all issues covered within this study. Strategic Communications studies the dynamics of consumer behavior, trends in marketing strategies, and shifts in global culture.


1. Enables you to lead your business:

As a CMO you need a comms strategy because it will make your job easier and more rewarding, it will also help you to lead the business and perform your duties at a higher level altogether.

The nature of being responsible for a company’s marketing means you must respond to multiple demands from the business. This can lead to a kind of tactical myopia. Your colleagues in sales will demand qualified leads – and rightly so – but if you haven’t got a mutually agreed understanding of your target sector priorities and a tight definition of your target personas, then the likelihood for disagreement or disappointment is almost inevitable.

2.    Provides focus and efficiency:
Low hanging fruitA well-formed comms strategy keeps you both focussed and aligned. It ensures you are more efficient, by focussing your time and money on the strategic priorities. The natural optimism, energy and opportunism characteristic of salespeople means that they can be distracted by whoever or whatever appears to be a quick win. That’s not to say low-hanging fruit shouldn’t be picked if it falls outside the specified target – but it must be recognised for what it is and should not distract everyone from the wider strategic intent.
A comms strategy provides a yardstick by which every effort and initiative can be assessed for efficacy. Everyone needs to understand when the pursuit of low hanging fruit has turned into an unhelpful distraction and drain on resources. If you own a comms plan, this will be as clear as the nose on your face.

3.    Results in more effective messaging:
Your audience is ...article quoteYour target audience will rarely comprise a disciplined cohort equipped with all the information they need to select your products and services. Your audience is most likely made up of broad groups of people, with similar sets of responsibilities, who are at different stages of the buying cycle. They are probably ill-informed, confused and/or insecure in their knowledge or options. Creating typical, representative personas helps to focus attention and effort. Furthermore, understanding that your target persona will be at different stages of the buying cycle enables you to develop messaging which talks to their individual information needs, while addressing their fears, motivations and irritations. This approach, which respects your target audiences’ differences, will be more persuasive because you are telling them things that matter to them in a way that helps them to move along their buying journey.

4.    It forearms you:
Your comms strategy captures your sales needs, sector priorities, personas, positioning and messaging. It provides you, and your extended team and colleagues, with many of the essential tools you need to enable you to deliver your business objectives. I’m a great believer in active decision-making. The process of formulating your comms strategy will enable you to identify knowledge gaps. Then, you can decide whether you need to secure the missing information or not.  It’s important to recognise and understand the implications of your action or inaction so that outcomes don’t come as a surprise – forewarned is forearmed.

5.    Brings clarity of purpose:
a communications strategy quoteWhatever your objectives and whatever your requirements, a communication strategy just makes the process of getting there more efficient, more effective and the journey so much more rewarding. Having clarity of purpose also allows you to lead the business, fend off unnecessary or irrelevant requests and direct your resources with intent.

6. Employees are more productive when they have all the necessary information in a clear, concise format.

7. All employees receive the information they need to do their jobs correctly and to meet deadlines.

8. Collaboration improves because employees bounce ideas off one another and build off each other’s thoughts and experiences. 
9. Employees can better handle conflict when they know how to communicate their ideas and listen to their peers to create a solution.

10  Effectively sharing ideas can enhance creativity and innovation, which can help grow your business.
11. The company culture improves because people feel heard and know what’s happening.
Relationships between employees and with clients are strengthened.




Management levels In an organization, there are three different levels of management, each of which requires different types of information ...