Friday 6 January 2023

Is it good for men to marry early now?


There Men,
I just want to tell you the advantage of marrying early.

If you marry early,you and your family will grow old together in such a way that you will have the opportunity of training your children when you are strong and not too weak,

You can imagine you marry at 40 years and when your first child is 10 years old you are 50 years old,

You go to PTA meeting to represent your second born or third born and they think you are a grand father that came to represent your child,
Do you think it will make sense?

Marrying early is good because you don't know when you will die,
If you check very well people hardly reach 80 years this days,
And if you consider your wife at least you will marry early so that you will not come and die and leave her with children to feed as a widow,

Men in Nigeria feel they have time that is why most of them don't get to plan their lives at early age until they reached 35 and late 30`s  to come,

Marrying early also gives you the advantage of being friends with your kids and getting to advice them better because they will not feel your time had pass,so they will listen to you.

Is high time you start planning your life early and not late,

Even if you are not going to marry on time,
I want you to plan your life early Men,
So that you will enjoy your life,
Your parents will enjoy you,your siblings,friends,locality, society and nation will enjoy you effectively.

So men,
The motion thinking,
that is ladies that have time should stop because you also don't have time.

If you check it very well some ladies are even doing better than the men now adays,
Do you know why, because they feel they don't have time so they redeem their time to achieve alot in a short time period but you guys feel you have time and you start late and achieve below what you are suppose to achieve.

Your youthful age is the age you should achieve alot not the age you should be playing and thinking you have time because time waits for no one.

So plan early and marry early,so you train your children while you are young and not as a grandfather.

Make sure you share this so that mentality of  many men will be affected.


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